Friday, August 26, 2011

So here is a process piece for those of you that like to look at the nuts and bolts of things. Lets get into it….

Grabbed a 9x12 Bristol piece and slammed it to the desk and sketched a bit, erased a bit, and repeated process till something started to show it self. Music helps during this point.

Once I got the road map down and knew where I’m going I got busy with my pen and start laying down my solid lines. That Monster was not looking cool until he had teeth.

Now that I see what’s going on as a whole I started to go back in and add those little elements of snarling the teeth to putting designs on the costume and any other elements. You can see I’m thinking about giving him a design around his eye.

All right now everything is popped out and looking strong. At this point I’m going in and adding in my line weight to pop out elements.

It’s been good so far but there is still more to go. Time to break out the paint. But before I do that I tape down my piece because this thing is going to get wet and will buckle. Throwing the first colors down in any random way is fun and helps give the piece a dynamic feel. Not all the time but often I go to my yellow hue’s when starting.

Since the first color is down I move onto the next colors that happen to be the biggest of the piece and knock those out.

Getting anxious to use my whites I throw those down and pop out some items.

Now I’m moving a bit faster here and just move in with getting down all the color and start popping things back out. These drum breaks are starting to come together.

Not entirely happy with the color tone on some items I go back in and add some things and finish popping this bad boy out. Also finish up on throwing down some shadows. Now that’s a Crunchy Drum Break!!

This Break will be FOR SALE tonight at On the Corner in Campbell for the Scary Monsters and Super Beats Show!!!

[[[[MORE INFO]]]]

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



Come out if you can.

All the BEST!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A couple of days late. Happy B Day APHEX TWIN!!!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Pen on Napkin. Sketch Done in hospital waiting room.

This is over due and I have been on many tasks. Thanks to all those that came out to the the past shows and showed your support by talking and giving your hard earned money on my work!!! You know who you are and you keep me going.

For those that were not able to come out to San Diego Comic Con or San Jose STREET MRKT have no fear. I will be at this coming San Jose Toy Show. [[[MORE INFO]]]

A Brother of mine Abel Coronado has been in the hospital for some time now and has a ton of people pulling for him on a speedy recovery. We are all waiting to see you out and about and doing more art. Much Love to you from all of us here at the house!!!

If you know Abel and want to help there is a Donation Facebook page. Or if you don't know Abel and want to be one of the coolest people that I know go to the link. Anything helps.

Link will be up till AUG 19. [[[Help Donate HERE]]]

All the BEST!!!

Friday, August 05, 2011


August 5, 2011 from 7-11pm
Free and Open to the Public
South 1st St. in SoFA District, San Jose

I Will be located in front of Motif.


Come out and say hi if you can.
All the BEST!!!